
Yacht Racing Events

Private yacht racing, cruising regattas and other events – Participants in the world’s most significant nautical events deserve the first-class service. We transport the most famous racing yachts in the world with precision and absolute care, ensuring that no destination is out of your

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Competitive Sailing

Yacht sailing is a sport based to control the dynamics of a boat powered only by the wind in its sails. Sailing as a sport can be recreational or competitive. Sailing competitions are called regattas and sailboats. Light candle and Cruise Sail Sailboats are considered to be those of smaller

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This water sport consists of completing a tour in the shortest possible time, moving on water in boats driven solely by the force of the wind on their sails: sailboats, capable of reaching high speeds. Sailing, as a sport, can be recreational or competitive. There are three primary modalities of

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Boat Racing

Today we are talking about races, but not just any races! Here are our top 10 most important boat races! America’s Cup It is the oldest and the most mythical. It must be said that the first one took place in 1851! It goes hand in hand with the Louis Vuitton Cup, as it is the winner of the

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From old age, coastal towns built boats to fish or move through the water. The next step was to set out to explore other territories. The origins of sailing go back thousands of years. Since primitive times man has felt the vital need to enter the sea, either to get food or to explore new

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